There's a new way to manage knowledge.

An intelligent assistant built for your association.

Betty opens up access to your knowledge base, enabling members to tap into a wellspring of information with ease. 

Accelerating the Association Knowledge Cycle

Betty doesn't just manage information.
She propels the association knowledge cycle forward.

By capturing today’s conversations, Betty Bot lays the groundwork for tomorrow’s breakthroughs. It’s not just about holding onto knowledge; it’s about setting the stage for knowledge discovery and synthesis—capturing ideas and questions in new ways that can churn out even more value. 

Association Knowledge Cycle Diagram

Some of the associations we work with!

Advanced AI at Your Service

Intelligent, Intuitive, and Always Innovating. Built on cutting-edge generative AI technology, Betty Bot delivers a seamless and smart experience for Association members. Our AI isn’t just algorithms, it uses natural language processing to allow Betty to create real connections and converse with your members in a way that feels intuitive and human-like. 🚀

Unlocking Association Knowledge

Unlocking the Information Treasure Chest

Access the Unreachable. Betty Bot undergoes extensive training on your organization’s content to ensure she has a complete understanding of your knowledge-base. A trained Betty means information isn’t just available; it’s accessible.

Betty allows your members to dive into the vast ocean of knowledge within your association, surfacing exactly what they need, when they need it. Say goodbye to information silos and hello to a world where knowledge flows freely. 🌊

Intellectual Property: Safe and Sound

Serving as Your IP Guard. We understand the value of your Intellectual Property and the importance of keeping it secure. Betty Bot is trained ONLY on your content, resources, and knowledge. Betty ensures that your IP is never exposed to open sources of AI and you own all the interactions Betty has with your members. 🏰

IP Protection

Imagine a new employee that can read every piece of content published by your organization, memorize it, and serve as a trusted expert for your members. 

Oh, and they are available 24/7…

That’s Betty. 

Betty Bot makes knowledge accessible to those who need it, when they need it.

Some of the tech Betty Bot works with.

Meet Betty's Namesake

Betty's Namesake - Betty Holberton - Portrait

Betty Bot is named after Betty Holberton, a pioneering computer scientist whose work left an indelible mark on the field of computing. During World War II, Betty Holberton was one of six women selected to work on the ENIAC, the world’s first general purpose electronic computer, which was used to calculate ballistic trajectories. Despite the groundbreaking nature of their work, Betty and her peers initially received little recognition, as the spotlight was on the male engineers who designed the hardware.

Betty’s career didn’t stop with the ENIAC. She continued to make significant contributions to the field of computing, and served as a champion for women in technology, working to increase diversity in the field.

Her legacy lives on through Betty Bot, embodying the same drive for innovation and accessibility in computer that Betty Holberton championed throughout her life.

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